Should I try with him again?

Ok so there is this boy who I had been talking to for most of last year, we went on a few dates etc. But every time we got really close he would just kind of backed off and stop texting me or things like that. We were never official though so I would always tell myself that I shouldn’t really be bothered by it. But we started hanging out again and I really fell for him. But then again we got really close and he started to back off and told me “he didn’t want a relationship” and told me that he was going to work abroad for a few months over summer.

He also got cheated on in the past and one of my best friends is the guy that his ex cheated on him with - so I have a feeling he was scared to get into anything serious with me because of that.

So, I backed off, I cried it off and I tried my best to let him go. It work I wasn’t thinking about him as much anymore.

But now, summer has passed and he is home.

Not even a week after he returned home I got a message from him and we texted for about a day.

I backed off because I’m scared to go there again but I don’t know if I should message him and just basically ask him why he is coming back to me now? I just don’t know why he would bother texting me again if he didn’t want to go back to how things were, but more serious.

But this time I know we’ll either get into a relationship or we’ll be completely done. And I really need to know what he’s thinking so I can move on.