How do I make friends?

I don’t have many friends. I have like one best friend but she lives in another state now due to college. We still keep in contact and meet when ever we’re in the same city but it’s not often. At my college, I made friends with some girls but they’re a bit shady. For instance the one girl only talks to me when she needs help with assignments, the other girl doesn’t talk to me except for when she needs company to go somewhere (eg shopping) and so on. I feel sad and unwanted.

I’m a good friend and always put their needs before mine and I’m always there to help with their troubles but I don’t feel the same way in return. When I’m going through shit they don’t bother to check up on me and stuff. And I know this is stupid but I’m always hyping them up and commenting on their selfies etc but they never do the same to me.

I have a good boyfriend who I am dating for 4 years and he and I are very close. Except, when he goes out with his friends I get a bit envious that I can’t go with or that I don’t have my own friends that I can do stuff with. I have people dm me sometimes and I don’t know if they’re trying to flirt or trying to be friends. My bf doesn’t mind if I become friends with someone from the dms but how do I know that they just wanna be friends. And how else can I get new friends or be more involved with people? So basically the point of this post is how on earth do I make friends???? Im quite an introvert although I would love to be more outgoing. I have some sort of social anxiety and I don’t know what to do.

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