
Kelsi • 24|TTC #1 with PCOS ♥️

So me and my fíance have been together almost 7 years. We’ve been living together for about 2 years and plan on buying a house together soon. We are struggling to keep up with bills. He works full time and I work full time and am full time enrolled in nursing school. He gets paid weekly and I get paid biweekly. It seems like he never has enough money for bills. I’ve had to pay the full amount of rent a few times, as well as electric and WiFi, leaving me having to pay my car payment, car insurance and phone bill late. I don’t mind helping at all. We are a team, but It’s just so frustrating because I have school things to pay for, and groceries to get and I don’t have money for it. I’m so tired of struggling, I know everyone does it but I never wanted to be that person. I watched my parents Do it and continue to do it. I’m just at my wits end and wanna give up. The stress of it all makes me physically sick. Any advice on how to stick through it??

Ps. Sorry for the long rant