Seriously F*cked up!!!

So my baby daddy thought he was sneaky!!! I’m having to pick another middle name for my daughter!!! Y’all have no clue how pissed this makes me!!! Been through cheating and lies with him for 5 years now. I won’t go into deep detail but when I thought everything was going great his Side chick calls me letting me know about everything..... when I seen her name let me tell y’all I’ve never slapped anyone as hard as I did him in my entire life. He had the nerve to try and be slick and use this bitches middle name as MY Child’s middle name!!!!! Man if that didn’t make me walk away faster then anything. It’s different when it was just me and him but now having a baby involved!!! I can’t!!!! I won’t!!!!!

So ladies will you please help me with some very unique girl names.....