To try or not to try

Okay so i been talkin to this guy for a few weeks now and he likes me and I like him. Well while we were hangin out tonight I was leanin on him and i whispered im sorry for being so clingy then he said “ya we gotta talk about that” so i instantly sat up and kinds just let it be at that. Once other friends left the room I asked what he wanted to talk about and he was like I dont wanna be in a relationship and stuff like that. But then he says “but your still cute and i like hangin out with you” then kisses me. Im not really sure what to do wether I keep tryin for a relationship or just leave it be. He keeps telling me one thing but showing me something else and im honestly confused. Anyone have some advice?

Little background we have talked hung out and had sex he is very florty to me and says he likes me a lot and compliments me all the time hes super sweet but confusing as hell. He works a lot so I dont see him often but when I do i stay close to him.

Am I just being over the top or is there actually something here? Im so confused.