i’m MAD


My boyfriend is a senior and is on the football team. Our football team is REALLY good. We are current state runner-ups after losing by only 4 points.

Anyways, their coach isn’t satisfied with 2nd place (understandable) and works them sooo hard to try and win state this season. They were up every morning this summer from 7-9 for weight lifting, then they would have team bonding until 11 and then they’d have lunch and practice until 2. Then they’d have to work with the middle school kids and practice/train with them from 6-8. These kids couldn’t have jobs, they couldn’t enjoy their summer, they really couldn’t do anything or really even spend much time with family. I just feel like this was way over working.

Then the last Saturday before school starting he had a last minute morning practice from 7-10. We were supposed to be camping with my family from Friday- Sunday, so he had to come down later on by himself on Saturday. His coach told him that he’d be off the team if he missed.

I also, personally feel like he displays discrimination on the team... All hair and facial hair must be to his standards. Before the games on Fridays he “inspects” them. If their facial hair doesn’t meet his standards they have to do sprints, then shave, and then sit out a quarter. If their hair doesn’t meet, they can’t play at all and have to get a haircut the next day. For example, this was my boyfriend’s hair.

It’s really curly and make look a little wild at times but I really thought that it looked really good. He gets the sides shaved every so often and get the top trimmed. Pretty much right after this picture his coach told him he had to cut it. (luckily it was before the games so he didn’t have to miss one for it).

I can maybe understand the hair and facial hair thing and maybe even the over working- but here’s what REALLY gets me. My boyfriend is type 1 diabetic and so some days his blood sugar may be either kind of high or kind of low. It just is what it is when you have diabetes. Last Wednesday though his blood sugar was in the 350s all day and insulin wasn’t working and nothing would make it go down. So, he had to leave school early and missed practice. The next day his coach came up to him and said he didn’t get to play that Friday (the first game of his senior year😒) bc he missed practice.... BC HIS BLOOD SUGAR WAS 350!!! When he left school we wasn’t even allowed to drive himself home!! He literally had to go home and lay in bed drinking water and not eating anything the rest of the day. Damn right he wasn’t going to go to practice!😂. Is this not discrimination based on his disability??? Maybe not, maybe i’m just biased tho lol.

Here’s a picture from that game lol

and some from last season bc i just love showing him off😂

ALSO!! The ONE day that he was late to anything all summer was the day that they were getting jerseys. So, they didn’t think him get his jersey #45 that he’s been wearing the whole 10 years he’s played football. It didn’t just affected him bc we all had shirts, and signs, and shit with his number on it that we he had to get all redone😑 so, now for his senior year his #81, a number he’s never worn before🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️