Weird sleep habit


So Brody has been down to one nap for the past month. He’s usually asleep by 6:30/7:00 & he’s up up 6:00 (most days). I’ve noticed if he naps for a shorter period he sleeps later. This past weekend was super busy so his naps were all over the place. Saturday he fell asleep in the car for 15 minutes & refused to go back down when we got home. That night he passed out at 6:00 and slept until 6:15. Sunday he napped for 45 minutes and slept from 6:30-6:45. At daycare he took a 2 hr nap & fell asleep at 7:00 but was up throughout the night crying. Seems to me that the less he sleeps during the day the better he sleeps at night.

I can’t keep up with his ever changing sleep cycles 🤦🏽‍♀️. Anyone else go through something like this??