Feeling like I have to do everything.

I love him, we’ve been together for 2 years.

It feels like everything that needs to be done is done by me. I clean up, I plan the dates, I buy him what he needs. I order the food, order the transportation. Keep him on track. He asked me to fill out his job applications for him.

I love him, he is my heart and all, but when I ask for a little bit of anything from him he’ll try for a day and then give up and say I’m nagging him if I ever mention it again. He wanted to make me dinner, and planned to twice until ultimately asking me to take over.

Sometimes I feel like I’m his mom, or that he’s being immature. He never takes any effort to make me feel good unless he starts to feel bad or notices that I will pull away. He spends all his time planning what he wants to do.

I feel like I’m not getting anything in return. How do I fix this?