Am I in the wrong?

So my bf and I have been together a year. He's unconsciously makes decisions without me or tells me what to do.

I.e we were in a bar with his parents they were leaving us to go home. He wanted to leave and I wanted to stay. He just got up lifted our things and said were leaving. Expecting me to follow.

I also want to see a new movie. And he just said to his mum I would go with her and her friend without asking me. I would have said yes but that's not really the point. What if I had things on? I didn't get a say. So I said to him. I wanted to go with you. I go see all his movies. Anyway he does this with a lot of things. If im not comfortable or want to do something his word is final. I'm just expected to do what he says.

I called him out on this and he said sorry.

A month passes and I get a text from his mum saying ill be going somewhere with her that he had said id go to. So I text him being sarcastic/funny that I'll be doing this outing with him as well for trying to toss me to someone else.

His response "fine. Since im such a controlling prick"

I didn't say he was. I was making a joke out of him trying to get out of our plans.

I feel awful and genuinely like I did something wrong. Also he isn't speaking to me now.

I don't know what to do? Any ideas?