Never felt so disrespected

Update: in regards to packing and leaving..I have no one to go to and no where to go. If I had any of those things, we would be gone. Vehicle is in his name and is nearly breaking down as it is, house is in his name, he makes the most money..I barely. Make enough to get groceries in the house. He pays all the big bills. I know its shitty. I know its looked at as excuses. I know how horrific it is for my children. I divert and get them doing something else. Thankfully for technology sometimes.

This morning, my husband not only threw his breakfast at me, but also spit at me and called me a lard ass and told me if I didnt find a sitter for my 2 children (who are 13 and 14 that are not his children with me) while I worked that he would make it so that I dont see them again. He also broke the plate throwing it into the sink. And do you want to know the reasoning for all of this?? Because this morning I rolled over when he touched my ass, I was sleeping and it tickled. But also normally when he does that, he wants sex. I started my period this morning (6 days early) so I kinda rolled over too because I didn't want to have sex. My 1st few days on my cycle are HEAVY and painful.

No on top of all if this happening in front if my 2 kids and our 4 year old together, I managed to keep the tears from flowing while cleaning myself and the mess. I have to call off work or find someone to watch my 2 kids and I've asked everyone I know...they can't. So much for the "if you need me let me know." 😕