Would this get on your nerves? Updated

My sons name is Mason, my husband(who is his stepfather) has a cousin who just named their baby Mason. My husband doesn’t understand why it got under my skin. Like, it’s kinda common knowledge that if your cousin(especially first cousin)has a kid named a certain name then that name is off limits. But it’s like they didn’t care because it’s not his “real child” even though he loves him the same and treats him the same and even claims him as his son. It’s annoying to me, out of all the names in the world, you had to pick our sons name? It wouldn’t be a problem if we never saw them or they weren’t close, but my husbands family is very close and we get together for holidays 5 times a year. It kinda feels like my Mason is being left out now because he’s not blood. And now my 3 year old is confused by it. Idk maybe I’m being over dramatic, but it just irritated me.

Update: I think a lot of people are making this into something it’s not. If you think I’m over dramatic, fine that’s your opinion. But there’s literally no reason to be rude. It’s kinda pathetic honestly. This is how I feel about it. Of course I would never say something to them about it and I’m not furious or anything, but I am irritated. I don’t see how I need to “get over myself”. My husband and I are expecting a little girl and I have always loved the name Millie. But we haven’t even considered it because another one of his cousins have the a daughter named Millie. I’ve always felt as if that’s something you don’t do. You don’t need to be at family gathering with 6 little Masons, 5 Jacobs, and 3 Haley’s running around. There’s soooo many other names they could’ve chosen. My husband and I have been together since my son was 5 months old. They’ve known him for 2 years before they had their son. I find it a little rude 🤷🏻‍♀️. But it’s not like I’m cussing them out or being rude to them for using it. I love their baby, he’s a doll and I love them. Just really wish they would’ve chose a different name.