My Husbands Furniture

My husband has owned our current living room furniture for over ten years. It’s been through two homes and two marriages (one marriage being ours). I’ll be very honest by saying it’s in perfect condition and it’s good looking, but it’s just not ME!

I’ve brought up replacing it but he’s the, “if it’s not broke, don’t fix it” type. To be clear, replacing our furniture isn’t a matter of saving up for it or allocating the funds. It’s not about the money! He purely just doesn’t want to get rid of his furniture. We’ve been living together for four and half years and new furniture (living room and master bedroom) is something I cannot get him to EVEN CONSIDER.

We recently found out we’re pregnant with our first child and now more than ever the furniture is driving me crazy (I know.. blame it on nesting). I’ve never felt like this is my home because besides a few pictures and my side of our closet, nothing says ME. We live on an amazing lake with great views but I refuse to invite ppl over. I just don’t feel like I’m inviting them into OUR home. I absolutely love and adore my husband and want to spend the rest of my

Life with him.

I say all this to ask, what should I do?!?!

Is it crazy that this is the straw that is breaking the camels back?


Yes, we’ve talked about this multiple times over the years. He refuses to get rid of it because, “it’s one of the first nice things I was able to afford when I first started making good money.”