Fussy after short naps


I’m looking for some advice about what to do with my 7 week old during the day to help with fussiness after naps. He usually takes one longer nap in the morning and one in the afternoon, but his other naps throughout the day are never longer than 20-30 minutes. He eats about every 3 hours (formula fed) and we try to follow an eat, play, sleep schedule, and then I settle him down for a nap once he yawns a few times, usually when he’s been awake for about an hour or hour and a half.

The problem is that then he wakes up after 30 minutes with an hour to an hour and a half before he needs to eat again, and he is SO fussy during this time. He’s not showing hunger signs - if he was, I would feed him. But nothing seems to calm him down or make him happy during this time, even things he normally likes.

Any ideas?? Or does anyone else’s baby do the same thing? This is happening multiple times each day and it’s just so frustrating, so any help would be much appreciated!