Hi! I'm new & need advice!

Luna ♡ • Ethereal ☆

I'm really excited to have recently redownloaded this app because I have been struggling bigtime with my PCOS. I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 16 years old, even though I've probably had it since I was in middle school. This summer I decided to go get a lot of blood tests and an ultrasound done due to a period. (Heres the TMI part so bear with me here) last year I started a period in November, that has not stopped and I am still having now. I have been bleeding almost non-stop for close to 10 months now, sometimes its very heavy, and other times it was very spotty, but it hasn't stopped. In June I had my diagnoses of PCOS reconfirmed at 19. I was using the Nexplanon implant as my birth control for almost three years and figured that might be the center of my issue, but in August I changed my birth control and got the Maraina IUD, praying this would be the answer to my issue. Since I've gotten it, my period has been extremely heavy, my cramps almost debilitating some days. After getting all of those tests done the only current possible explanation is my PCOS is to blame for this hellish period. Everything in my body feels so f-ked up and I havent smelt the best, I've been feeling really self conscious about the state of my body. I need advice on anything that might help me get rid of this horrible period, make me smell better, or nice natural remedies for period pain. I'm struggling y'all. SOS LMAO!

Also thank you for reading this novel, I really appreciate you ♡