I cant take it

Y`Marrea • married to love of my life 💍 mommy of 2 boys🩵 and 1 girl🦄

I'm stuck in this hospital still!! I started contracting last night again and I was so excited I thought I'd finally deliver and this shit would be over! Nope! I had very strong contractions for about 9 hours and my cervix didn't dilate a single fucking inch the whole time!! Im stuck at 4cm. Finding someone to watch the kids while my husband works is getting harder. And then my husband took off today to stay with me because we thought I might deliver today and now hes talking about going home to play his fucking ps4 cuz hes bored!!! At this point I dont give a single fuck! He can go I'd rather be alone! I cant leave this bed except to go to the bathroom I cant leave this room I cant wall anywhere I cant do anything and I miss my kids. I'm tired of sitting in this place I'm losing my freaking mind. I'm so beyond over this pregnancy at this point! I love my daughter and I cant wait to meet her. I know shes healthy and shes gonna be fine at this point I just want her out of my body! Rant over 😓