Breast or bottle feed?


I know Breast is best and thats not what im asking...

I’m currently pregnant with my 4th baby the 3 previous have all been bottle fed. I tried with my 1st born but i was very young and didn’t receive the help and support i probably should of got as a young first time mum. I remember it hurting so bad i was reluctant to feed him and used to put it off as long as possible which obviously wasn’t good for him. Not being able to breast feed my baby made me feel like i had failed him and in some respects i think it was partly the cause of my postnatal depression. This bad experience put me off even trying with my nxt two babies. My question is is it easier or harder to breast feed? I’d like to give breastfeeding a go as I know this will be my last ever baby but my partner & I split up two days b4 I found out i was pregnant so I’ll be a single mum to a new born baby, a 3 year old who is non verbal autistic with sever leaning disabilities and two older children.

Any advice or tips would be very welcome

Tia x