Look slimmer but weight won't budge!?


So I'm now 4 months post partum.

I only put on 9 pounds during pregnancy but I'm 5ft and want to lose it and return to my pre preg weight of 119 pounds.

I have been eating well and reduced my portion size for the past 2 months. Hardly have any processed foods, no refined sugar, don't snack, only drink water or tea/coffee.

I walk daily with my baby for 1.5 to 2.5 hours. I have started working out (last 2 weeks) and I can see some changes in my body - tummy and boobs have gone back to normal and my old jeans fit (although snug) but my weight on the scale WILL NOT BUDGE. Literally not even by 1 pound. I don't get it.

I definitely haven't replaced fat and fluid for muscle.

What is going on!?