Farewell, and I wish you all the best.

Emily • Momma of 🌈👶🏻🎀 April ‘22; MMC (@12w4d) 9-11-19👼🏻.

I was in a minor car accident on the way home from work last night (deer jumped into the road on a blind turn while I was going 50mph). I had to slam on the breaks really hard, so the seatbelt tightened suddenly and hard right over the baby. I was nervous, and wanted to make sure they were okay so I went to the ER to get checked out to be safe. They did an ultrasound, and even though we had a dating scan at 6w4d and they had a heartbeat and were healthy at that time, last night they only measured 8w6d, no heartbeat. (I was supposed to be 12w4d today.) Followed up with my OB and he confirmed everything this morning, we have a D&C scheduled for tomorrow. We wanted this baby so greatly, but it seems this was not the one. Perhaps I will get to return to a new due date group not too far in the future.

I wish you all the best with your pregnancies. ❤️ Farewell for now. 😔 👋🏻