Reduced pumping at work and still maintaining supply?

Johanna • Mommy of 1 beautiful boy! 5/20/2019 💙

Ok ladies I have an almost 4month old and want him to be on breast milk till 1year. I’m currently back at work and have been pumping so he has bottles during the day and breastfeeding when I’m with him. I would like to keep pumping at work until 6 months but then stop pumping at work and breastfeed him on the weekends, mornings and evenings. I currently have 1000oz in my freezer and that plus what I get between now and 6months is what I plan on him drinking during the day plus food when we start solids. 1st off has anyone had luck with not pumping at work but still being able to feed. And 2nd do you think I will have enough in my freezer to last him, 5 days a week, 10 hrs a day for 6 months??