Completely unprepared


I’ve just realized I have 7 weeks until my due date (with a possible induction between 4-7 weeks). I have done absolutely nothing for this babe. With her sister I had everything done by this point. However our baby shower isn’t until the end of the month (and if I get induced it gives me less than 2 weeks from the time of the shower to the induction to get everything done). I don’t know why we scheduled the shower so late. I hate not knowing if I need to be induced yet or not. I keep having symptoms of preeclampsia and Cholestasis but all bloodwork is coming back negative, so my doctor is literally checking at every appointment right now because she needs to catch it right away.

Besides some of her sisters old clothes that I’ve sorted thru and washed (which most aren’t season appropriate), I’ve done nothing and I’m starting to feel SO overwhelmed. And I literally can’t do anything or get anything until our shower.