Body / Race diversity in NFL Cheerleading.


Hey guys! I used to love watching DCC making the team. But recently I've noticed so many things wrong. When I was younger the most I weighed was 130 lbs! Then I hit junior year in highschool and got PCOS it really affected my weight. Which was such a blessing! It showed me a whole other world and brought me so much body positivity. I love being 198 lbs! I used to be so insecure, so watching this show didn't even phase me. Recently I've been trying to catch up on some of the recent seasons. I couldn't watch anymore because of some of the things they were saying about the girls. Saying that a pair of shorts made a girl look bottom-heavy and they didn't think she was going to look good in the uniform was really degrading. I don't really want to touch on race much but there is hardly ever more than a few black / Asian / Mexican ect. girls on the team. I guess it's just really disappointing because there's never a girl on the NFL that represents a different type of body. We don't ever see anything other than skinny girls and boobs. If I ever had the chance I would totally be head of a cheerleading squad on the NFL and make it any type of body / race / Sex. Just wanted to say we are in a new era and everyone is beautiful and I feel like NFL cheerleading teams should accept everyone! ( Just a rant )