

I was with my one former partner for over 10 years and sexually active for much longer. I thought that I totally understood everything about sex...

Until I met my current partner of just over a year. From the beginning he has been bound and determined to give me an orgasm other than a clitoral one. I assured him that after all these years of sex I cant do it. Until it happened. I have never experienced a vaginal orgasm until him and it freaked me out at first. Thought I peed in the bed and was almost embarassed! Now I feel it almost every time we have sex...and I dont understand how I went so many years without it. It's so easy for him to get me to get there now and he feels like a king!!

I am still having trouble letting myself go for them though, I feel I need to stop it and change positions so it doesnt happen and I dont feel like I peed myself. Help!