I did not imagine this at all!!


So I've always thought I could NEVER get pregnant like ever. Why? Because I never got my period so having that problem for a while I went to the Doctors and ask what was wrong. My Dr told me to take 10 pills within 10 days and I should get my period then. I got it but only got it for about 4 days April 14-18. So after that I didn't get my period in May so I said whatever and just continued to live my life. That July my boyfriend and I had a trip to Chicago plan we're from Oklahoma. We went to six flags everything we went for a whole two days road every single ride including the new one that opened up while we were there. We were over there for about a week or so. And when we came back I noticed I started feeling sick for a full 3 weeks. Every time I ate something I would throw it up our favorite spot to eat Japanese ramen I didn't like it, our favorite teriyaki chicken place didn't like the smell of the chicken or anything 😂😂😂 so one Thursday night I decided to take a pregnancy test. I told him that I had bought one he said I had just wasted my money because it was going to turn out negative they always do. And I was peeing on it I left it on top of my trash can I was about to text him back and from the corner of my eye I see two lines pop up. My hands are shaking and I sent him a picture 😂😂 He asked me if I was playing with him I said no 😂 We couldn't go to the doctor until Monday because of our work schedule. I went Monday they confirmed the pregnancy they scheduled me for an ultrasound in 2 weeks. We told both of our parents they were both happy, and excited. I went to the ultrasound and they found out that I was 11 weeks with 1 day!!!😍😍 But little did I know before that ultrasound on August 3rd my boyfriend proposed to me because on August 2nd it was our 6 years!!!😍❤️❤️ He told me that he's been planning this proposal since before we found out that I was pregnant!! And just recently we bought a brand new trailer so I never expected 2019 to be how it is right now!! And right now I'm 15 weeks and extremely happy we find out in October what the little baby is!! I'm just so grateful!!😁❤️❤️ And I just wanted to share my weird little story so it's long 😂😂

Update : Omg thank each and everyone one of you guys!!! Thank you for all the love!!!😭❤️❤️❤️❤️ I haven't been on here because of work and busy buying furniture but thank you guys!!!😭❤️❤️❤️