
My daughter is being baptized soon. Originally, my husband’s brother and mom both said they couldn’t come. The listed a million reasons why and they told us three times they weren’t coming. I sent them courtesy invitations anyway.

...all of a sudden they are coming. Listen, I get it, this day is about my daughter and her grandparents and uncle and everyone else should be there. They have that right. However, I have been recently deeply burned by these people.

My husband and his brother went to Europe. I was told they were in Florida with his mom. Yes, my husband ultimately made the decision to do what he did. It is forgiven but not forgotten. We have put a lot of energy into working through it and we are in a better place.

His brother is bad news. He influenced my husband to take he trip, saying things to him like I am too controlling and such. His brother eventually apologized. It was a crap apology, but I accepted it because I don’t know that he has ever apologized to anyone, so I can respect the effort. Also, his relationship is important to my husband.

His mom lied to me. Numerous times. Said they were in Florida with her, etc. Still, I know she isn’t to blame for the whole situation, but I can’t believe she played a role. What grown woman does that for their adult son? I apologized to her because when I found out I was very upset and I asked her not to contact me and my daughter anymore. I apologized for bringing my infant daughter into it because that was wrong. She of course did not apologize for her role in everything. She simply said, “Thank is important to me.”

I apologized to her thinking I wouldn’t have to see her for a while. Like time could heal my wounds regarding her. But now she is coming to my freaking house. I feel so disrespected by her. I feel like she disrespected me and my family as a unit.

I don’t know what to do. They have a right to come and should come. I just don’t know how well I can fake nice to them. 😩

**This isn’t about my husband. Please don’t attack him. That is it’s own situation. I am concerned about dealing with these other people currently.