Finally getting somewhere with potty training!


We've been working HARD on potty training the past 3 weeks! Yesterday seemed like a turning point where she just got it! We decided that we were only going to use pull ups at night and just have a million extra outfits with us just in case.

Yesterday we had to go about an hour away to my youngest daughters specialist appointment. She help he pee pee all the way there to chick-fil-a. We took her straight to the potty but she wouldn't use it... we took her at least 4 times while we were there and she seemed like she was scared and wouldn't go. On the way to the doctors office she had an accident in the car.

That was it! That's the turning point. She had to sit in it until we got to the doctors office. Maybe 10 miles. She didnt like it at all! We changed her when we got there and ever since she hasn't had any accidents and she's finally telling us when she has to go! She used the bathroom everywhere else we went. She even wants to use the "big potty" not the little one!

I'm just excited and finally feel like I'm doing something right! Sorry for the long post!