Yhere is no nice way of saying this

I am 19 years old i have a baby boy that is 1.5 months old. I am a CNA. I am going back to collage for 1 of 4 things i just havent made my mind up yet. My life did not end when i had my son. It dident end when i decided that his life mattered too. When i found out i was pregnant i was contemplating suicide. Because my life felt like it was falling apart. My son was not a mistake he was not an unfortunate event. If anything he gave me a reason to keep going the reason i am saying this is because so many ladys are told that they cant do it that if they have kids that their lives are over. Mine isent if anything its just getting started. So i encourage you to just talk to the people contemplating abortion tell them just because they have kids dosent mean its role creddits on their lives if anything its just a new level in the game and if we had all the cheats life wouldn't de fun would it.