Pictures from my cesarean TMI

courtney🌻 • 21. Lucas Michael & Liam Scott - 9.25.15
So this MIGHT be a little much for this site, so if I get a lot of negative comments I will delete it. I delivered twins 09.25.15 and my boyfriend was able to capture some amazing pictures. I wanted to share them with the other moms! 
I just find it amazing that he caught this on camera. Baby A isn't attached anymore, but you can clearly see both cords. I got really emotional seeing this because it really made me realize that these two little guys were LITERALLY attached to me and were part of me for a whole 34 weeks. 
They both came home from the NICU in less than a week and are doing amazing. I still am in awe over the fact they are actually here. If anyone has any questions about twins, a cesarean, premature babies, or the NICU stay let me know!!  I'd be more than happy to give you my experience!