She needs prayers


I have had a very stressful time with a very overwhelming friend. Her and her husband started coming to our church a few months ago, June. Everything was fine and friendly the first day. I wanted them to feel welcome.

Within the first couple of weeks I had a small knot in my stomach because she was moving very quickly with the friendship. We texted almost every day but mostly because I didn’t want to be rude and make her feel uncomfortable. After knowing me 2 weeks she told me during a therapy session that she told her therapist that when she has a baby she wanted her husband, mom, and me in the room. I was like “say what?”

There were times where she’d say she loved me and I didn’t feel like were that close of friends to say that to her so I didn’t. That turned into her talking to me and asking why I didn’t return her love? Side note: I have two very close friends. One I’ve known for almost 30 years and another for almost 20. They are the only ones who I’ve ever said that to.

Fast forward to last month, my husband was getting a job promotion. My free time became next to none. I didn’t talk to her for 2 days because I was busy and she called me telling how she had a “nervous breakdown” because of it. I’m a stay at home wife and I take care of everything while he takes care of work. With what little free time I’ve had I been trying to fill with reading my Bible. So I haven’t had time to text every day but if she’s texted me I’ve tried to text back as soon as I see the message. Unfortunately it may not be for an hour or so. I’ve been trying to unplug from my phone too. I’m trying to grow! I don’t feel comfortable with a person breaking down because I haven’t given them attention or something that just happened.

She kept sending me texts asking if we were okay. I kept telling her we were just fine and I was sorry for being so busy. Then the messages from her got longer and were full of how she’s learning what a friend truly is and God was healing her heart of anger and hurt she felt by me. Until, one day she sent me a message that was an entire letter size page in length about our friendship. At this point my husband said I needed to talk to our Pastor about it. So I did, I let him know what’s been going on and he told me to keep being friendly and kind. Let God work on her. I’m just worried about her making a scene at church. I would never want that for my Pastor or fellow members.

So I continued to be kind and friendly. Another side note: hubby and I have been TTC for 31 cycles and I talked with her about how hard children are for me. I’ve had friend stop being my friends because I didn’t have kids. She knows my hurt. So last week she tells me she has an ultrasound scheduled with her gynecologist. I told her congratulations because I assumed an ultrasound was a confirmation one and I know they’ve been TTC. She said it wasn’t and I apologized.

The very next day she writes this HUGE rant on her social media about how God is blessing her and alluding to a pregnancy. She goes on to say that she had people come into her life recently that weren’t worthy of the love and friendship she was trying to give them. Basically telling me to go somewhere without writing my name. 😔 I was her only friend so I know it was aimed at me. A few hours after she wrote it, she unfriended me and blocked me. I’ve never said anything so hurtful or even mean to her. She knew all the things that would hurt me and wrote it in that post.

Last night we had service and she made a point a telling someone she got a new number. Which was odd because she interrupted my conversation with this person to tell them. Very childish. I’ve just let her be and she just keeps coming at me. Hurting my heart.

So I write this not just for advice but because I think she needs prayers. I don’t know who or what she’s angry with but I pray that she find the healing she needs. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻