I think he’s a virgin but scared to tell me

So I like this guy. My best friend. He likes me too. We might start dating soon.

We don’t talk much about his past relationship but I know he was with the same girl semi-long distance for 2 years. When my roommates and I talk about sex experience, he is always quiet and tells me he has nothing to contribute. Does that mean he’s a virgin? He’s kinda private so it might not mean that but I’m not sure.

The thing is, I’m not a virgin and I’m very public about it. I gave a blowjob to a guy I was “casually” sleeping with in the woods a week before I met my best friend and he and I laugh about it. I’m a scorpio and most of my romantic relationships are pretty physical. Not to say I’m not open to taking things slow, I’m totally ok with that. I just don’t know how to talk about this without coming off as too upfront.

I don’t know how to approach this topic with him since I don’t wanna make him nervous and I’m not very delicate but I wanna know how he feels about it! I don’t want him to feel like I’m pushing him.
