Wake up call

I’ve debated posting this but I need this off my chest. My boyfriend of 8 years we will call him Jim. His best friend- we will call him joe.

They go out of town to festivals every now and then to sell stuff. They have a wholesale business.

2 weeks ago they go up to this big flea market in the next state. It was from Thursday to Monday.

I get a call Sunday morning (actually I had ignored the calls all night ) when I call it back it’s the jail. So I am like tell me Jim is not in jail. And they told me yes he was in for public intoxication- I’m thinking wtf he doesn’t even hardly ever drink!!

So apparently since him and joe had made so much $$ they went out to celebrate. While walking back to their spot- joe always tends to run his mouth when he’s drunk so long story short they get in a fight.

Joe hits my bf first and while my bf should’ve just kept walking on but he punched him back and it knocks him to the ground and he hits his head .

My bf called 911 and told them what happened. They took joe to the hospital and him to jail for public intoxication . - he didn’t get charged I just had to come be his driver

While I’m driving to pick up my bf from the jail I get a call from joes sister saying he’s been transferred to a bigger hospital because he had a brain bleed!

He was released that day and they said he’d be fine it was tiny.

But since then my bf has become a completely different man. We have been to church every Sunday. He’s got a new outlook and I can tell things have really changed . I had been praying he’d start coming to church with me and I really think this was how God answered my prayers