How much help?

How much does your partner help with the baby? Our little guy is 7 weeks. I am staying home with him and my husband is working. He is military so he does wake up early and has some late days.

He helps way more on weekends but on weekdays he’ll help in the evenings for a few hours. I’m obviously with our boy all day and at nights I’m with him all throughout. My husband started sleeping in another room so he can get sleep but i can’t help but feel frustrated with him because I’m the one up all night obviously nursing and changing diapers😞 l

Today I’m running on barely 4 hours of sleep. My husband comes home at 6:30pm complaining he is exhausted and then goes to the gym...I just broke down cause hunny I’m exhausted too and at least he got a full nights rest not having to wake up/ our even hear our baby cry since he’s in a whole different room... ughhh asking for a friend because today has gotten the best of me 😔