Worst month ever.. postpartum disaster!

Chantel • Wife 💍 Sept: 2018 Baby Boy 💙 Aug: 2019

Well!! After being 18hrs in labor then having an emergency C Section because little man was transverse and wouldn’t drop down to where he needed to be.

When I was in labor I was put on every type of medication you could think of, 3 epidurals with 2 top offs bags of morphine after morphine and non of it worked I could feel every single contraction. With him being transverse every contraction was pushing his head into my hip/ spine. The Drs were so confused on what was going on... anyways BAM C-section.

After staying in the hospital for 5 days where 1. Drs were mean, and yelling at me for not bonding with my baby. WHICH I WAS! 2. I was formula feeding and they made under feed my baby for 5 days! Telling me that 15-20ml was too much. He was always crying!

3. Nurse didn’t cut the knots on my stitches when we got released.

So I get home. In lots of pain. But hey! Never had a baby before have no idea what to expect. Why does he cry so much!?

On and on we go. We go to our 2 week appointment. Baby healthy! Cries lots but guess he’s colicky and has lots of gas. Just gotta work through it!

Then I get my incision looked at. Well the stitches are irritated. Red/ little pussy None of them dissolved. Dr cuts them out. It feels better that they are not stretching my skin when I walk.. seams to be good.

4 days later. Almost 3weeks postpartum.

I start feeling dizzy when I stand. Okay I should drink more water. Then my abdomen starts burning/ feeling like stabbing tiny needles to the point I can’t wear clothes cuz it hurts a lot! Following that headache, hot and cold sweats.

At this point I thought I was getting the flu.

So I go to the hospital

On top of all those symptoms. I have low blood pressure, and a rapid heart rate and a fever of 39C (102.2F)

I get bloodwork, X-rays, ECG, CT Scan

My life is a living episode of Greys Anatomy. Turns out i have a MASSIVE build up of fluid that is infected right above my incision. They put me in IV antibiotics, and Cut me back open to drain this infected fluid, I spend the last 5 days admitted in the hospital ALL because my nurse on my discharge day 3 weeks prior didn’t cut the knot on my stitches. Only cut 1 side and not the other!!

So not only has it been 4 weeks since I have birth where I thought I’d be somewhat healed by now. I now have ANOTHER 6 weeks to go 🙄