PND/A Fear for my baby



I have this fear the my depressive states will rub off into my child.

I have recently gone back to work and my little one has gone to care where I work

I am told that she has fun and I believe them it’s just 9/10 of the times I see her she is sad or looking miserable.

I have this fear she doesn’t smile there and I worry that is my fault because I had horrible PND and went weeks not being able to be happy.

She is so exhausted with this sudden change of pace

Am I an idiot for feeling this way??

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You’re not an idiot for feeling any kind of way. I also worry that my PPD/A and general anxiety will make my babies lives harder. It’s a huge part of the reason I’m in therapy and on anxiety medication! I’m trying to be the healthiest person I can be so that they can have the healthiest mama I can be.