“Bedtime” - help!!


My LO is 5 weeks old so I’m not expecting a legitimate “bedtime” but I’m looking for help.

She’s nursing on a schedule of every 2-3 hours. She’ll normally do a longer sleep period at night of 4-5 hours. The problem I’m having is getting her to sleep when my husband and I go to bed. I’ve tried adjusting her schedule to move her “final” feeding of the night but no matter what I do, the minute I put her down in the bassinet she starts screaming and crying and will not calm down until I pop the boob out. I’ve tried changing what time we go to sleep as well. I have an exercise ball that I sit and bounce on with her. She’ll fall asleep when I do that but again, the minute I lay her down she’s back awake. We’ve tried everything to establish a bed time routine - warm bath, cozy PJs/sleep sack, dimmed lights, reading a book while eating, NOTHING will get her to sleep when we do. Every night it’s the same thing. We do our routine, feed her, lay her down, she wakes up and wants the boob, I give her the boob until she’s gone through a full meal time, try to lay her down when she’s done and we’re back to crying. I usually go through this cycle with her for several hours. She eats so much during this time that my boobs not only hurt but they’re beyond drained.

Any suggestions?! Am I doing something wrong or expecting too much of her?