At the point

Dasha K.
I'm at the point I don't want to be in this relationship anymore he's not going to ever man up and take responsibility for himself I see now what my mother been telling me for the pass year now and that having our child is not going to change him he already have a four year old he doesn't take care of only see him when his mother gets him and that's only about 8 times a year since I've been pregnant I haven't been working and when I was I was paying everything every bill and felt like I shouldn't be taking care of a grown man so I told him he has to help pay and he started taking the bill money and rent money and I got put out I lost my place and car he begged me to move in with him and his mom been here since March and it's been hell living here nothing accomplish he told me he'll take care of me I should've known better he doesn't even go to the doctor appointments he working now and all he do is smoke weed and hang with his friends buying dirt bikes he won't do anything for us he wouldn't even give me 5 dollars gave me two dollars and turned around and took that out my purse smh so I've been getting help from a homeless shelter and I'm going to leave soon I'm 7 months pregnant my son doesn't have anything I have only 85 days left until my due date I'm better off without him