3 hours of sleep a night!?


Okay so I started taking an anti anxiety medicine because my doctor thinks I probably have PPD/anxiety issues. It’s called busporine. Anyway...it has helped me with my racing thoughts in just a couple days. For the past week though, I will go to sleep at 11 and wake up at 215. Literally on the dot. And it’s soooo hard to go back to sleep. Whether the baby is making little squeaky noises, or my husband is snoring...I feel like I’m going to collapse at times. So I tried melatonin one night...no help. Tried Valium...no help. Now my doc has me on Trazodone at night before bed. Well last night was night #2 and I had to double the dose from 25 to 50. Literally the same thing again. Wtf is going on! I’m not breastfeeding anymore, and the baby really does sleep until 3-4ish before she wakes up and might want a bottle. I just want some sleep! It’s like a sick cycle...I don’t sleep...so my anxiety is usually a little worse...then I still don’t sleep...so forth and so on. Is anyone else struggling like this? It has really only been this past week that it started. What worked for you???