Baby Fever hits hard


I've always wanted to be a mother. I've always had that nurturing feeling, always played house when I was young, and loved watching over my younger sister and brother growing up. Now I'm 21, finally with the right man (he wants a family asap as well) and so much more than ready.

We both make good money, but we still only live in a one bedroom apartment. Everything is still kind of new to us. This is the first time out on his own because I'm the first real girlfriend he's had. Hes so caring and loving and I know he'll be such a good dad, but this past week the baby fever has got me down. I have depression, so I know it'll always be hard but I can usually get over it pretty fast with some logical thinking.

But for some reason I just can't shake it this time. I want a baby so bad. I want to experience the ups and the downs of pregnancy and the joy of creating new life. It doesn't help that my best friend is having a baby in just a few days and she and I talk about it a lot.

I just don't know what to do anymore. My whole family says I'm still too young but my mom had ME at 21 so is it really "too young" if I know I'm ready?

Anyone have any advice on ways to cope until the feelings dim down a little (or until baby)?