what should i do

Me and my boyfriend are planning to have a child in around 1-2 years but we both carry sickle cell trait.We have been told there is a 1/4 chance of our baby having sickle cell anaemia and i’m now at a loss.Having a child is what we have wanted for ages but i am scared fo put my child at risk. My family is not being supportive with this at all they literally said not to have a child with him. We want to have our own little family but i’m not sure if this 1/4 chance can be seen as a high chance or a low chance. Different people have said different things. Of course if i have a child with Sickle cell anaemia i will do everything possible for them to live as good a life they can but i’m not sure if this chance is too high.If anyone has any information on this please share it with me.

Thank you x