Three miscarriages in less than a year...


I was unfortunately informed on Monday that I am suffering from an ectopic pregnancy. This is the third miscarriage I’ve had in less than a year.

My first positive test came in December of 2018, followed by a loss this January. My boyfriend and I arrived at our 8 week ultrasound, excited to hear the first heartbeat, but it never came. Development had stopped a few days prior and according to the doctor there was nothing abnormal. “These things happen.”

The second positive came in May, followed by a loss at 6 weeks in June. Same situation, nothing abnormal to report.

Our third positive was in August, bringing us to present and I am now taking methotrexate injections to treat the ectopic pregnancy. Which, if you’re not familiar, the egg has implanted in my fallopian tube rather than the uterus. Obviously and abnormal pregnancy for this one.

We now have to wait three months to try again because of the drugs I’m taking. I actually started seeing a specialist after the second loss and have gone through all the testing, everything came back normal. Our doctor even said that I’m “medically boring.” No one can explain why this is happening and I don’t know what we’re supposed to do moving forward.

Has anyone else gone through this?? And if so, what happened? I’m so frustrated and quite frankly pissed off!! 😣