Open Relationship

So my boyfriend and I are long distance because we’re both in school. He had been having a hard time because he just wanted sex and my schedule made it really difficult to see him. So in order to fix the constant arguing, I came up with the idea of opening the relationship on his end. We made very strict terms and it honestly saved us. We FaceTime more and talk more and just are more open with each other about our feelings now that it’s open. However, I don’t want to sleep with anyone aside from my boyfriend and toys do a good job. But I’m okay with him sleeping with other women as long as it is nothing emotional between the two. I’m realizing as he’s on his way to go meet up with the first girl he’s banging, that I’m extremely anxious and jealous.

It was my idea and since I brought it up I helped him message new girls and laughed about what he said on tinder, but now that it’s actually time to do it, I’m freaking out.

I’m just wondering if it’s normal to be nervous the first time or if it just means that I’m not cut out for an open relationship...

Please help and tell me what to do 😭😭