38 TTC #2 Oct 2019!!

C☕️🐸 • Baby #2 (son) born Sept 2020!! #1 (daughter) was born summer, 2016! 💗 39. IIH diagnosis 2018.

Hey everyone, I just wanted to post this SOMEWHERE because I wanted to just share it someplace I have been given the green light to TTC in October!! I have IIH (was diagnosed in late 2018 and was told I had to wait until September and see my neurologist and OBGYN and other specialists.) I have seen them and although I’m not in remission I am allowed to come off my meds and after my next TOM I can try to make a baby with hubby!!! I’m so excited!!!

Wish me luck! Good luck to everyone trying for that double line!! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼Positive Vibes!!!!!