Am I overreacting? (Decreased fetal movement)

Okay so my son has been super active my entire pregnancy. My most active baby to date. I usually get like 20 + movement in an hour. Yesterday, I noticed he wasn't as active and this morning it seems to have gotten even slower so I'm doing kick counts and have only gotten 5 movements in the last 45 minutes and his movements are different...very weak. I have to really pay attention to catch them whereas before it would be very strong. I've also had some contractions on and off. Last week I was at the hospital with preterm labor contractions (2cm dilated 75% effaced), got a positive preterm labor test (50% chance of labor in next week or so) and was given steroid shots for his lungs and two shots to stop contractions. This isn't my first baby so I know there's less room to move now but idk...