Frustrated with myself!

McKenzie • Waiting on my 🌈 baby 👶🏼

I’m not positive that I pinpointed my ovulation this month, which is throwing off my cycle on the app. From body signs, I think I ovulated the 12th or 13th.. but I did get a positive OPK on the 14th (But not a blazing positive), which pushed my ovulation date back to the 15th. Doesn’t seem like much, but being 6/7 DPO is way different then 4 DPO.

My cycle is also like clockwork, 27-29 days, where as with the 15th and ovulation, it’s giving me a 35 day cycle.

Just frustrated! So desperately trying to get back what I lost, as i know so many of us are.

Prayers to all of you!