Need your advice

I need all of yous advice.

I have been with my boyfriend for 3 and a half years now (we have a baby together) for the past year now our love (mainly his) has vanished.

I keep getting a feeling that hes seeing or even talking to another girl behind my back.. my head and my heart keeps telling me but i dont know if its true as i dont have any proof.

He doesnt leave his phone laying around he brings it EVERYWHERE! He never even lets me on it. He has a password on his phone and he always changes it.

Last year when i was pregnant i went on his phone and i found a picture of a girl.. she was just sitting there infront of him (he obviously took the picture of her) smiling. He denied it and said i was imagining things and then he changed it to his mates took the photo of her and then he changed it again and said his mates sent him the photo to him to ask if thats his ex girlfriend (its not) and why would the photo even be on his camera roll !? Baring in mind that this photo was taken at his works.

He never uploads pictures of us anywhere. Everytime i ask him lets go out and do something together he always makes up an excuse. Couple of weeks ago he used to go out behind my back with his mates to get pissed. He doesnt tell me he loves me, doesnt kiss or cuddle me. Only wants to know me when he wants sex. I asked him the other day why doesnt he cuddle me as im always showing him that i love him and his reply was "we're not 10 years old anymore" .. so basically we got to be 10 years old to cuddle apparently 🤷🏻‍♀️. He has never ever invited me out when hes gone out to have a drink with his mates , he basically hides me. Its like he lives the single life on the outside but on the inside it's different. We dont live together we are not married. Me and our baby see him once or twice a week. Hes always on his phone. He even hides his phone in the draw when he goes to bed ...

He doesnt even kiss me or cuddle me infront of his family either.. he doesn't even talk to me infront of his family its like im invisible. I have a feeling he doesnt love me. When i have asked him is there someone else he always says no.. i dont have proof at all.. wont let me on his phone so i dont know what to do.

One last thing.. he wants to do anal with me but i told him i dont want to do that and he said "im going to do it whether its with you or not"

What do you all think ?? Do you all think im going crazy lol ?!


i confronted him today about it ALL and his reply was "listen you do you and i will do me for abit" and that was the end of the conversation. 😐

He said he doesnt like to kiss and cuddle and seeing people do that cringes him out