Non Organic - To Eat or Not to eat? UPDATE


UPDATE : for those of you thinking I want to throw the food out or am just too picky, I literally made this post to ask for suggestions on how to avoid being wasteful!! I was unaware of the information about pesticides.

My family and I thought we were making the right decisions because of my SO's health issues. We are FAR from wealthy and thought it was a necessary sacrifice since we can't afford health insurance for both of us. We only have one vehicle and he takes it to work (and often is home late) while I home-school our kids and some days we can't get to the store because he gets home late and I know no one where we live, family is hours away with their own lives. So yes I thought it would be great to sign up for the program and just wanted some ideas ..Geez 🙄😣


So my insurance has a program that delivers "fresh fruits and vegetables from local farms" to pregnant women at home if you cannot get to a store yourself. So naturally I was super excited and signed up for it.

Well today the "fresh fruits and vegetables" arrived and it's just stuff bought from the grocery store. My family and I have tried to stick to eating only organic fruits and vegetables (unless the price is just outrageous). Since switching to organic my SO has lost weight, gained a ton of muscle, has significantly less issues with stomach problems, and we genuinely feel better than we used to.

We are going to eat the "non-organic" foods that we normally buy, but what should we do with the fruit that we know is most likely covered in pesticides?

My man says not to eat it and give it away but my instinct is to bake with them or eat them. I despise being wasteful and don't want to give the food away to the homeless around here who are known for being picky and wasteful 🙄.

Any suggestions?