Crush dreams

Alright. So I like this boy. Let’s call home John. John and my friend let’s call her Julie liked each other last year. They finally told each other on like the last week of school. John literally loves her and it’s so cute, but sense school started Julie has stopped liking him and started liking a lot of other guys. But she hasn’t told John. So he thinks that she still likes him. Anyway. I think that’s wrong but that’s beside the point. I’ve tried to convince myself that I don’t like him, but I obviously do. Which leads me to the dream I had last night. I thought I finally got over him but then this dream happened...we were in a class, and I thought he was flirting with me, (people in real life had been saying we were both flirting with each other) but at the same time I have never had someone like me, or flirt with me but I look down at my desk to read something and he’s sitting on my left. My hair falls on my left side of my head. He brushes it back behind my ear and I slowly turn to look at him, he grabs my chin and and turns to him and we kinda look at each other for a little. It wasn’t awkward though. It was like perfect. Then I kiss him. I woke up smiling and my hands were shaking and stuff and now I’m just lost. What the heck am I supposed to do. I can’t tell him I like him because he is in love with Julie, and I can’t even date until I’m 16 so what’s the point in even telling him? I’m just so confused. Any tips? I really don’t want to ruin our friendship.