Am i being irrational?

So I’m 6 weeks pp and things are starting to get to me. I absolutely love being a mom and i definitely know I’m not depressed or anything just really annoyed at my boyfriend. I feel like I’ve been doing almost everything by myself. My guy works so i feel like i can’t complain too much. But that’s all he does. Some nights he gets off pretty late but he stays up until the sun freaking comes up then complains the next day when i wake him up how tired he is because he worked late. Like yeah you worked late but stayed up 4/5 extra hours all on your own when you could have come and gotten in bed with me and went to sleep. I’m so sick of him saying how tired he is when he chooses to stay up late. I haven’t had more than 3 hours of consecutive sleep in weeks because my baby is up every 1-3 hours sometimes less and stays awake for about 1 hour or more. so while she’s crying and I’m trying to put her Back to sleep he’s sleeping soundly not hearing a thing. I AM FUCKING EXHAUSTED! He also keeps pressuring me for sex. My doctor cleared me but I’m not emotionally ready and I’m not comfortable with my post baby body yet for sex. I’m home with the baby 24/7 i haven’t been out with friends in months. But he gets to come and go when he pleases. Smokes and drinks when he feels like but I’m breastfeeding so i can do none of that. I sit in the house all day alone with the baby while he’s doing whatever he wants. I feel like every time i ask him to do something he gets annoyed. I ask him to hold the baby so i can go shower and he seems like I’m asking too much of him. I have to go days without a shower because i don’t want to ask him and that’s the only alone time i get. And it’s not even that much time because i have to shower as quickly and possible because he doesn’t know how to keep the baby from crying because he puts her in her swing when she just wants to be held and he says “it’s okay to let them cry” like she’s 6 weeks old she doesn’t know anything yet so it’s definitely not okay to let her cry when you can just pick her up to keep her from crying. He cooks for me on his days off. Today i tried to wash the breast pump so i could pump some milk today because i haven’t gotten the chance.While i was up and he had her i though i could wash our clothes that have been sitting for weeks and clean our room. I didn’t even get to finish because he kept asking me what I’m doing so i felt rushed. He sets her down so he can scroll on his phone. He sleeps most of the day and before he leaves for work asks me to clean and wash clothes when he could have done it since I’ve had the baby all day. Like it’s his baby too and I’m about to lose my mind. I just want him to be more helpful and understand how freaking hard it is for me. And i want more 5 minutes to myself sometimes. Cause sometimes i have to take her to the toilet with me because holding her is the only way she won’t cry. I have to hold her in one hand while i fix me something to eat with the other and he’ll see this and completely ignore me and keep watching tv while I’m struggling to eat. At this point i m just done asking him for help my next step is just leaving him and taking the baby he doesn’t help with.