Husband doesn’t help me any tips?

Like a lot of men I know my husband has become one that doesn’t help with the baby(twins) very much. We have twins and before they were born my husband and I agreed to be a team. I would brag to my friends how my husband wouldn’t be one of those “slacker dads” and wanted to be hands on.

My husband even joked some nights he would get up and take care of the babies because he wanted to sometimes without me. Well the reality check hit him hard-on just how hard babies can be. My 34yr old husband wants nothing to do with the babies... he doesn’t offer to help me at all!

When I complain to him he will try to soothe the babies from crying a little or make sure they take their bottle but that’s it! If I ask him to do anything he will but is pissy about it. He won’t wash bottles, make bottles, change diapers, wake up on the weekends with them etc. Twice a week he is forced to take care of them while I’m in class. The babies usually give him a hard time and he will call me multiple times on my way home asking me to hurry up.

If we need something from the store, he never wants me to go because that means he has to watch the babies. So he will go to the store instead. He HAS started cooking more but only because he doesn’t want to watch the babies. If I Shower, it has to be when the babies are calm or sleeping. I have tried talking to him and telling him how I feel and that I’m starting to resent him but nothing changes.

His argument is he can’t stand the crying and will help more when they cry less. It’s like he doesn’t care about my sanity at all. Luckily, I don’t have postpartum depression and I think the break for school twice a week helps me a lot!

I know some men out there act like this(not all), but has anyone had a husband like this that turned their shit around? Or am I stuck with this life?