Husband shout out



Before baby, we were both high school choir directors at 6A high schools in Texas - transition:

Big job. Lots of students. Lots of work. Big deal.

I became a SAHM when baby girl was born in May. It’s officially the hardest thing I’ve ever done. I’m so tired all of time.

The only job I have now is as a staff singer at a local church (I get paid to sing in the choir as a professional). Well, that means I have to get up early on Sunday mornings.

Baby girl no longer takes a bottle overnight but still sometimes wakes up and whines for a minute on occasion...sometimes a lot. Mostly because she flips onto her belly and falls asleep but sometimes gets mad that she’s there. (Ridiculous). So I’m often up a lot during the night. I never wake hubby up. (Baby is in her own room now).

Well, Saturday nights, since I get up early on Sundays for my church job, he makes me sleep upstairs in the guest room away from him (snoring) and the monitor so I can get a good nights sleep. He keeps the monitor next to him and does all baby things overnight. It’s truly the sweetest thing ever. It’s my recharge night. And he’s so good with her and so patient that I never worry.

I’m just feeling extra gushy about him right now. If your SO wouldn’t do this for you...find a new one. Every woman deserves someone that loves you this much and respects your job as a mother this much.


My loves.