I need sleep😭

brooke • girl mama💗💗

So my daughter has been going to bed between 8:30-9pm for the past week since struggling to get her an early bedtime because she used to stay up till 11pm-12am and didn’t even wanna go to sleep then. This sleep regression is terrible. She’s waking up 4 times now, 2 of those times for a bottle. She’s been up at 1am, 3am, 4am, now it’s 6am😭 she wakes up for the day at 8am so I won’t be getting any sleep today as her naps are only 15 minutes and it takes me 20 minutes to fall asleep even though I’m super tired all the time😩 she’s finally going to sleep or trying to but keeps losing her pacifier and fussing about it. She’s 17 weeks. How old are your little ones and how long do they have in this sleep regression? This has been going on for weeks😭